Knowledge Base Usb Capture Content

Capturing RGB Format Video with Magewell USB Capture Dongles

Article ID: 0000020004 USB Capture AIO, USB Capture DVI Plus, USB Capture HDMI 4K Plus, USB Capture HDMI Gen 2, USB Capture HDMI Plus, USB Capture SDI 4K Plus, USB Capture SDI Gen 2, USB Capture SDI Plus, USB Capture HDMI 4K Pro

In addition to capturing common video formats such as YUY2 and NV12, Magewell USB Capture dongles support capturing video in RGB formats. By comparison to other formats, RGB24 and RGB32 can better preserve color fidelity, particularly from signal sources such as computers that are natively RGB.

Follow the steps below to use Magewell USB Capture dongles to capture RGB format video.

  1. From the Support > Downloads section of the Magewell website, select USB Capture, click the Tools tab and download the USB Capture Utility software (hereafter referred to as the "Utility") for your particular operating system (Windows/Linux/Mac).
  2. Install the Utility software on your computer, and connect your USB Capture dongle to the computer via a USB cable. Run the Utility software, then click Advanced. Select the Color Format tab. The left column will show the color spaces currently supported by the dongle (YUY2 in the example below).
  3. Click to select RGB24 on the right, then click "<" to move it to the list on the left. The dongle can now support capturing in the RGB24 video format. Similarly, move RGB32 to the left list as shown in the subsequent Once you are done, click Save to Device. Now restart the dongle by unplugging then reconnecting the USB cable connecting the dongle to the computer.
  4. Software that supports the RGB color space can now capture it through your dongle. For example, in the OBS software, you can select RGB as the video format for capture.

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