Knowledge Base
Eco Capture
Article ID: 003020003
Eco Capture Family
Are there any macOS drivers for Eco Capture devices?
Are Eco Capture devices compatible with NVIDIA Xavier?
Yes. The driver of Xaviver platform is the same as the driver of TX2 platform.
Can I use the Eco Capture card on a computer/laptop via the Lightning to M.2 adapter?
Yes. Note that macOS is not supported because currently Magewell does not provide a macOS driver for Eco Capture cards.
Do Eco Capture cards support video cropping?
Video cropping is not currently supported.
Can Eco Capture card be connected through the mSATA interface on the main board?
What is the type of M.2 interface of Eco Capture card?
Magewell Eco Capture cards use M.2 M Key interfaces.
Is it necessary to use the standard Magewell heat sink?
No. If you don't want to use the standard heat sink, you should make sure that the cooling design of the chassis is good enough so that the core temperature of the capture card is lower than 85℃.
What operating systems does Eco Capture driver support?
Eco Capture drivers are currently available for Windows and Linux.
What are the major differences between Eco Capture and Pro Capture products?
The biggest difference between Eco Capture and Pro Capture cards is that there is no memory chip on the Eco Capture card. Therefore, the working mode of Eco Capture card has the following characteristics: (a) no support for private interface's low-latency capture mode; (b) no support for OSD; (c) no support for private interface's image cropping; (d) no support for private interface's aspect ratio conversion mode selection.
Does Magewell provide SDK for Eco Capture?
The latest version of the SDK supports Eco Capture cards.
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