
Use the interface to get the BGM play list.

Request Mode

POST/GET http://ip/V1.0/bgm/getPlayList

Request Data


Response Body

    "bgmList": [
            "singer": "Magewell",
            "artworkPath": "/storage/emulated/0/Director/Files/audio/audio_19b3b7793e8b6837fafaef300955ba83.png",
            "duration": 240,
            "fileMD5": "19b3b7793e8b6837fafaef300955ba83",
            "filePath": "/storage/emulated/0/Director/Files/audio/audio_19b3b7793e8b6837fafaef300955ba83.mp3",
            "notExist": false,
            "title": "Rain"
    "message": "SUCCESS",
    "status": 0
Property Description
status Service status code
0: Success
message Service status description
bgmList BGM play list
Property Description
title The title
filePath The file path
fileMD5 The file's MD5 value
duration Duration, in ms
singer Singer or artist
artworkPath The thumbnail file path
notExist Whether the file is lost.
true: Lost; false: Not lost

HTTP Status Code

results matching ""

    No results matching ""