
Use the interface to retrieve the NDI settings.

HTTP Request

GET http://ip/mwapi?method=get-ndi-config
Parameter Description
method get-ndi-config

Response Body

  "status": 0,
  "enable-discovery": false,
  "discovery-server": "",
  "group-name": "public",
  "low-bandwidth": false,
  "enable-mcast": true,
  "enable-rudp": false,
  "enable-tcp": false,
  "enable-udp": false,
  "ignore-ndi-hx-video-pts": true
Name Description
status 0 indicates that the request was accepted successfully. Refer to API Status Codes to find specific description for other values.
enable-discovery Shows the enable status of discovery server. Options are true and false.
discovery-server Shows server IP address.
group-name Shows the group that the video source joined in.
low-bandwidth True indicates the low bandwidth mode is switched on, otherwise it is false.
enable-mcast True indicates the UDP (Multicast) is enabled, otherwise it is false.
enable-rudp True indicates the RUDP (Unicast) is enabled, otherwise it is false.
enable-tcp True indicates the TCP (Multi-connection) is enabled, otherwise it is false.
enable-udp True indicates the UDP (Unicast) is enabled, otherwise it is false.
ignore-ndi-hx-video-pts True indicates ignore NDI video PTS is enabled, otherwise it is false.

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