Knowledge Base Director Mini Content

Basic Information for Troubleshooting

Article ID: 0008050002 Director Mini

Director Mini

During the use of Director Mini, if you encounter issues that you cannot resolve or abnormal phenomena, you can provide the following basic information for our team to analyze and troubleshoot.

Common Issues

If you experience screen lagging, audio errors, etc., you can send the following information.

  • Show Information
    • Device: Tap > "Show list", scroll through the list to find the show and swipe it left. Tap "Export", and choose SD card or USB flash drive to export the show file.

    • Web UI: Click the "Produce" tap, then click "Show List", and scroll through the list. Hover the mouse over the show and click to export it to local storage.
  • Operation Logs
    • Web UI: Click "System" > "Logs", click "Export" in the bottom right corner to export the log file to local storage.
  • Version Information
    • Device: Tap  >" "Settings" > "System" > "About", scroll through the page to view the device's version information, including hardware version, firmware version, and software version.
    • Web UI: Click the "Dashboard" tab, check the firmware version, software version, and hardware version in the "VERSION" section.
    • Director Utility App: Click > "Device Status", check the device's version information, including firmware version, software version, and hardware version.
  • Videos or Photos
    You can take videos or photos of the current device's signal connection status, network status, usage steps, problem phenomena, etc., to help our staff better understand your issue.


Crash Issues

If the device encounters a serious problem leading to a crash, you can export crash logs following the instructions on How to export crash log of Director Mini.


You can contact the support team ( or use the Ticket System.


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