Knowledge Base
Article ID: 002020026
USB Capture Gen 1 Family , USB Capture Gen 2 Family
You can distinguish between the first and second generation USB capture devices by the following:
USB Capture HDMI
The P/N of the first generation USB Capture HDMI (or known as “USB Capture HDMI Gen 1”) is 32011;
the P/N of the second generation USB Capture HDMI (or known as “USB Capture HDMI Gen 2”) is 32060.
USB Capture SDI
The P/N of the first generation USB Capture SDI (or known as “USB Capture SDI Gen 1”) is 32021;
the P/N of the second generation USB Capture SDI (or known as “USB Capture SDI Gen 2”) is 32070.
USB Capture AIO
The P/N of the first generation USB Capture AIO (or known as “USB Capture AIO Gen 1”) is 20171;
the P/N of the second generation USB Capture AIO (or known as “USB Capture AIO Gen 2”) is 32110.
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