Get certificate info

1. API Description

This interface is used to get the information of your certificate.

Request mode: POST [ip]/api/certificate/info

Administrator Rights Logged-in
Yes Yes

2. Input Parameters


3. Output Parameters

Name Type Description
status Int Status code
code String Status description
enable Boolean Enable HTTPS access
true: Enabled; false: Disabled
certificate CertificateInfo The information of the certificate
Name Type Description
subject-name String Subject name, containing the identity information of the certificate holder
issuer-name String Issuer name, containing the identity information of the institution issuing the certificate
version Int Version
serial-num String Serial number
expires String Expiration date
valid-before String Valid before
public-key String Public key
algorithm String Signing algorithm
type String Algorithm type

4. Example

Getting certificate info.

Input Example
Output Example
    "status": 0,
    "code": "Success",
    "enable": true,
    "certificate": {
        "subject-name": "/C=CN/ST=GuangDong/L=ShenZhen/",
        "issuer-name": "/C=CN/ST=GuangDong/L=ShenZhen/O=Bolin Technology Root CA",
        "version": 1,
        "serial-num": "C11B50824C53B27C",
        "expires": "Mar 25 02:06:25 3022 GMT",
        "valid-before": "Nov 22 02:06:25 2022 GMT",
        "public-key": "30818902818100ba1e3aff73f880f3bc219f3d6714edb2cf4a4b8fb072cdf55c5058903af7691eeeb4cae6aacb71486b6cb2001e14cb5b9113d52f8db666c87b65465a4a1204976390d33ad42de91597bcab511d6ca9c0b7e3dad4f7584420672102406605eb4a1dcbf9871f85ec412947b27648ee48b03d2af9e8b9f915f534bec99d4d6ed3d70203010001",
        "algorithm": "1.2.840.113549.1.1.11",
        "type": "EVP_PKEY_RSA"

5. Error Code

The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.

Status Definition Description
6 MW_STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR An unknown error occurred

results matching ""

    No results matching ""

    results matching ""

      No results matching ""