Get basic info
1. API Description
This API is used to get the device's basic information, including CPU, memory, up time, etc.
Request mode: POST [ip]/api/system/info
Administrator Rights | Logged-in |
No | Yes |
2. Input Parameters
3. Output Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
status | Int | Status code |
code | String | Status description |
device-name | String | The device's name |
mdns-url | String | mDNS URL |
uptime | Int | The uptime, in seconds |
cpu | CPUInfo | CPU information |
mem | MemInfo | Memory information |
datetime | DateTimeInfo | The system time |
auto-reboot | AutoRebootInfo | The auto-reboot information |
Name | Type | Description |
total | Int | The total time of CPU |
idle | Int | The idle time of CPU |
usage | Int | The CPU usage x 100 |
Name | Type | Description |
total | Int | The system's total memory, in KB |
avail | Int | The system's available memory, in KB |
Name | Type | Description |
cur-time | String | The system time Time format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
zonename | String | The time zone name |
ntp-enable | Boolean | Whether NTP is enabled true: Yes; false: No |
ntp-server1 | String | The NTP server 1 |
ntp-server2 | String | The NTP server 2 |
Name | Type | Description |
enable | Boolean | Enable auto-reboot true: Enabled; false: Disabled |
hour | Int | Time to auto-reboot, hour |
min | Int | Time to auto-reboot, minute |
week | [Array] | Weekly repeat 1: Monday; 2: Tuesday; 3: Wednesday; 4: Thursday; 5: Friday; 6: Saturday; 7: Sunday |
4. Example
Getting the device's basic information.
Input Example
Output Example
"device-name": "USB Fusion",
"uptime": 8410,
"cpu": {
"total": 1624896,
"idle": 1281701,
"usage": 2110
"mem": {
"total": 8069612,
"avail": 7171768
"datetime": {
"cur-time": "2021-12-20 13:25:57",
"zonename": "Asia/Shanghai",
"ntp-enable": true,
"ntp-server1": "",
"ntp-server2": ""
"status": 0,
"code": "Success"
5. Error Code
No error code related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.