Get basic info

1. API Description

This API is used to get the device's basic information, including CPU, memory, up time, etc.

Request mode: POST [ip]/api/system/info

Administrator Rights Logged-in
No Yes

2. Input Parameters


3. Output Parameters

Name Type Description
status Int Status code
code String Status description
device-name String The device's name
mdns-url String mDNS URL
uptime Int The uptime, in seconds
cpu CPUInfo CPU information
mem MemInfo Memory information
datetime DateTimeInfo The system time
auto-reboot AutoRebootInfo The auto-reboot information
Name Type Description
total Int The total time of CPU
idle Int The idle time of CPU
usage Int The CPU usage x 100
Name Type Description
total Int The system's total memory, in KB
avail Int The system's available memory, in KB
Name Type Description
cur-time String The system time
Time format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
zonename String The time zone name
ntp-enable Boolean Whether NTP is enabled
true: Yes; false: No
ntp-server1 String The NTP server 1
ntp-server2 String The NTP server 2
Name Type Description
enable Boolean Enable auto-reboot
true: Enabled; false: Disabled
hour Int Time to auto-reboot, hour
min Int Time to auto-reboot, minute
week [Array] Weekly repeat
1: Monday; 2: Tuesday; 3: Wednesday; 4: Thursday; 5: Friday; 6: Saturday; 7: Sunday

4. Example

Getting the device's basic information.

Input Example
Output Example
    "device-name": "USB Fusion",
    "uptime": 8410,
    "cpu": {
        "total": 1624896,
        "idle": 1281701,
        "usage": 2110
    "mem": {
        "total": 8069612,
        "avail": 7171768
    "datetime": {
        "cur-time": "2021-12-20 13:25:57",
        "zonename": "Asia/Shanghai",
        "ntp-enable": true,
        "ntp-server1": "",
        "ntp-server2": ""
    "status": 0,
    "code": "Success"

5. Error Code

No error code related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""

    results matching ""

      No results matching ""