Common Error Codes

Status Definition Code Description
0 MW_STATUS_SUCCESS Success Successful operation
1 MW_STATUS_PENDING Pending Operation is pending
2 MW_STATUS_TIMEOUT Timeout Operation timed out
3 MW_STATUS_INTERRUPTED Interrupted Operation was interrupted
4 MW_STATUS_TRY_AGAIN TryAgain Operation should be retried
5 MW_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED NotImplemented The operation is not implemented
6 MW_STATUS_UNKNOWN_ERROR UnknownError An unknown error occurred
7 MW_STATUS_INVALID_ARG InvalidArgument Invalid argument provided
8 MW_STATUS_NO_MEMORY OutOfmemory Insufficient memory
9 MW_STATUS_UNSUPPORTED Unsupported The operation is not supported
10 MW_STATUS_FILE_BUSY FileBusy File system is busy
11 MW_STATUS_DEVICE_BUSY DeviceBusy Device is busy
12 MW_STATUS_DEVICE_LOST DeviceLost Device is lost
13 MW_STATUS_IO_FAILED IOError An IO error occurred
14 MW_STATUS_READ_FAILED ReadError IO read failed
15 MW_STATUS_WRITE_FAILED WriteError IO write failed
16 MW_STATUS_NOT_EXIST NotExist The content does not exist
17 MW_STATUS_TOO_MANY TooMany Exceeded the limit of count
18 MW_STATUS_TOO_LARGE TooLarge Exceeded the size limit
19 MW_STATUS_OVERFLOW Overflow Overflow (up)
20 MW_STATUS_UNDERFLOW Underflow Overflow (down)
21 MW_STATUS_FORMAT_ERROR FormatError Format error occurred
22 MW_STATUS_FILE_EXISTS FileExists File already exists
23 MW_STATUS_FILE_TYPE_ERROR FileTypeError Incorrect file type
24 MW_STATUS_DEVICE_TYPE_ERROR DeviceTypeError Incorrect device type
25 MW_STATUS_IS_DIRECTORY IsDirectory The content is a directory
26 MW_STATUS_READ_ONLY ReadOnly Read-only restriction
27 MW_STATUS_RANGE_ERROR OutOfRange Range error occurred
28 MW_STATUS_BROKEN_PIPE BrokenPipe Pipe connection was interrupted
29 MW_STATUS_NO_SPACE NoSpace Insufficient space
30 MW_STATUS_NOT_DIRECTORY NotDirectory Not a directory
31 MW_STATUS_NOT_PERMITTED NotPermitted Forbidden operation
32 MW_STATUS_BAD_ADDRESS BadAddress Invalid address
33 MW_STATUS_SEEK_ERROR SeekError Seek error occurred
34 MW_STATUS_CROSS_DEVICE_LINK CrossDeviceLink Cross-device link error
35 MW_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIED NotInitialized Not initialized
36 MW_STATUS_AUTH_FAILED AuthFailed Authentication failed
37 MW_STATUS_NOT_LOGGED_IN NotLoggedIn Not logged in
38 MW_STATUS_WRONG_STATE WrongState Incorrect state
39 MW_STATUS_MISMATCH Mismatch Mismatch
40 MW_STATUS_VERIFY_FAILED VerifyFailed Verification failed
41 MW_STATUS_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION ConstraintViolatin Constraint violation
42 MW_STATUS_CANCELED Canceled Operation was canceled
43 MW_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS InProgress Operation is in progress
44 MW_STATUS_CONN_REFUSED ConnectionRefused Connection refused
45 MW_STATUS_CONN_RESET ConnectionReset Connection reset
46 MW_STATUS_ADDR_IN_USE AddressInUse Address is in use
47 MW_STATUS_NO_RESPONSE NoResponse No response
48 MW_STATUS_INFO_CHANGED InfoChanged Information has changed
49 MW_STATUS_INVALID_DATA InvalidData Invalid data
50 MW_STATUS_NEED_MORE_DATA NeedMoreData More data is needed
51 MW_STATUS_NO_BUFFER NoBuffer Buffer is exhausted
52 MW_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL BufferTooSmall Buffer is too small
53 MW_STATUS_BUFFER_IS_EMPTY BufferIsEmpty Buffer is empty
54 MW_STATUS_BUFFER_IS_FULL BufferIsFull Buffer is full

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