
Use the interface to set a RX stream.

Request Mode

POST /api/rx/live-apply
Name Description
uid Unique ID, greater than 0.
enable True: enable live stream; false: disable live stream.
name Stream name, a string of 1 to 63 characters.
stream-no Stream number includes Stream1 and Stream2.
url Stream URL.
1. SRT
// Caller 

// Listener 
URL element Description
url Listener:
Caller: legal IP address excludes
port Port number between 1 and 65535.
mode SRT mode includes caller and listener.
streamid Streamid
latency Latency time between 20 and 8000 in milliseconds.
encryption True: enable encryption. False: disable encryption.
passphrase Encryption passphrase. Set the passphrase when encryption is enabled, the length of string is from 10 to 79.
mw-audio-track The number of audio tracks between 1 and 8.
mw-buffer-duration Buffer duration time in milliseconds. You can get the range using rx-live-info.
mw-headroom-db Headroom in decibel.
2. NDI
ntkndi://ndi?ndi-name=DESKTOP-KN2V7CQ (Intel UHD Graphics 630 1)&ndi-url=&mw-buffer-duration=100&mw-headroom-db=0&&mw-audio-standard=SMPTE
URL element Description
ndi-name NDI device name. The string length ranges from 0 to 127.
ndi-url NDI URL. The string length ranges from 0 to 127.
mw-buffer-duration Buffer duration time in milliseconds. You can get the range using rx-live-info.
mw-headroom-db Headroom in decibel.
mw-audio-standard Audio standard includes SMPTE and EBU.

Response Body

        "status": 0
Name Description
status 0 indicates that the request was accepted successfully. Refer to API Status Codes.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""