
Use the interface to set a TX stream.

Request Mode

POST /api/tx/live-apply
Name Description
uid Unique ID, should be greater than 0.
enable True: enable the stream. False: disable the stream.
name Stream name, the length of which should be within [1, 1023].
stream-no The chosen stream includes Stream1, Stream2.
type Streaming protocols include rtsp, srt, ndi.
rtsp.bind-port Specify a port for RTSP.
rtsp.max-client-num Maximum number of RTSP connections.
rtsp.key RTSP main stream key, the string length of which should be within [1, 63].
rtsp.enable-auth True: enable RTSP Authentication. False: disable RTSP Authentication.
rtsp.username User name for RTSP Authentication, the string length of which should be within [0,63].
rtsp.password Password for RTSP Authentication, the string length of which should be within [1, 63].
rtsp.report Report of RTSP main stream.
srt.mode Connection mode, Caller or listener.
srt.dst-ip Target IP address for TS over caller.
srt.dst-port Target port for TS over SRT caller, the port number should be within [1,65535].
srt.bind-port Binding port for TS over SRT listener, the port number should be within [1,65535].
srt.stream-id Stream ID for TS over SRT, the string length of which should be within [0,63].
srt.connect-timeout Connection timeout for TS over SRT, in milliseconds.
srt.retry-duration Retry time for TS over SRT, in milliseconds.
srt.latency Latency for TS over SRT, in milliseconds.
srt.bandwidth Bandwidth for TS over SRT, in percents.
srt.mtu MTU for TS over SRT within [228, 1500].
srt.enc Encryption algorithm for TS over SRT include disable, aes-128, aes-192, and aes-256.
srt.passphrase Passphrase for TS over SRT, the string length of which should be within [1,79].
srt.enable-logo True: display logo image. False: not to display logo image.
ndi.source-name Source name, default value is device serial number.
ndi.group-name group name, default value is public
ndi.enable-full True: enable NDI FULL; false: disable NDI FULL.
ndi.audio-standard Audio-standard. 0: SMPTE 1: EBU
ndi.enable-discovery True: enable discovery service; false: disable discovery service.
ndi.discovery-server IP address for discovery server.
ndi.transport-mode Transport mode includes udp-unicast, udp-multicast, rudp-unicast, tcp-unicast, and tcp-multi.
ndi.mcast-addr Multicast address.
ndi.mcast-mask Multicast mask.
ndi.mcast-ttl TTL within [1,255].
ndi.enable-fail-over True: enable failover; false: disable failover.
ndi.fail-over-ndi-name Name of the chosen NDI TX for failover, the string length should be within [1,63].
ndi.fail-over-ip-addr IP address of the chosen NDI TX for failover. The string length should be within [1,63].
ndi.enable-web-control True: enable web control. False: disable web control.
aac-bitrate-kbps AAC bit rate. Options are 128, 192, and 256.


// SRT
    "uid": 9,
    "enable": true,
    "name": "TS over SRT",
    "type": "srt",
    "srt": {
        "select": 0,
        "mode": "listener",
        "dst-ip": "",
        "dst-port": 8000,
        "bind-port": 10000,
        "stream-id": "12/12",
        "connect-timeout": 3000,
        "retry-duration": 3000,
        "latency": 120,
        "bandwidth": 25,
        "mtu": 1500,
        "enc": "disable",
        "passphrase": ""
    "aac-bitrate-kbps": "128"

// NDI
    "uid": 11,
    "enable": true,
    "name": "NDI",
    "ndi": {
        "source-name": "test11",
        "group-name": "public",
        "enable-discovery": false,
        "discovery-server": "",
        "transport-mode": "tcp-unicast",
        "mcast-ttl": 4,
        "mcast-addr": "",
        "mcast-mask": "",
        "enable-fail-over": false,
        "fail-over-ndi-name": "",
        "fail-over-ip-addr": "",
        "enable-web-control": true
    "aac-bitrate-kbps": "128"

Response Body

    "status": 0
Name Description
status 0 indicates that the request was accepted successfully. Refer to API Status Codes.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""