
Added at V2.2 Use this interface to configure parameters of the main and sub streams, including:

  • resolution
  • frame interval
  • video codec: choose H264 or HEVC for the main stream. The sub stream uses H264.
  • H264/HEVC profile
  • video bit rate
  • keyframe interval
  • quantization range
  • aspect ratio
  • rotation

Obtain parameters range using get-info.

  "codec-cap": {
    "resolutions": [],           // range of resolution 
    "durations": [],             // range of frame interval 
    "video-codec": [],           // range of video codec 
    "profile": [],               // H264 profile 
    "hevc-profile": [],          // HEVC profile 
    "video-kbps": [],            // range of video bit rate 
    "gop-sec": [],               // range of keyframe interval 
    "video-range": [],           // range of quantization 
    "video-ar-convert-mode": []£¬// range of aspect ratio conversion
    "video-rotation: []          // range of video rotation angle

HTTP Request

GET http://ip/usapi?method=set-video&stream=0&is-auto=0&cx=1280&cy=720&duration=333333&kbps=1024&gop=1&fourcc=0&profile=2&cbrstat=60&fullrange=1&codec=0
Parameter Description
method set-video
stream Indicates the stream type.
0: the main stream
1: the sub stream
is-auto Indicates whether the stream format follows that of input signal. For a sub stream, this parameter can only be set to 0.
0: custom the format for your session.
1: follow input.
cx Indicates width of resolution dimensions in pixels.
cy Indicates height of resolution dimensions in pixels.
duration Indicates frame interval.
kbps Indicates bit rate.
gop Indicates keyframe interval.
fourcc Reserved. The default value is 0.
codec Indicates video codec.
profile Indicates encoding profile.
cbrstat Reserved.
fullrange Indicates quantization range.
is-vbr 0: CBR
1: VBR, the maximum and minimum steps are required
min-vbr-qp min-step ranges from 0 to 51
max-vbr-qp max-step ranges from minimum to 51
is-time-code-sei 0: not to set time code SEI messages
1: use system time
2: use input source time code
is-closed-caption-sei 0: not to set CC SEI messages
1: set CC SEI messages
ar-convert-mode 0: Ignore
1: Cropping
2: Padding
0: 0°
90: rotate 90°
180: rotate 180°
270: rotate 270°

Response Body

  "result": 0
Item Description
result 0 indicates that the request was accepted successfully. Refer to API Status Codes to find specific description for other values.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""

    results matching ""

      No results matching ""