Control Hub API Status Code

  errLogin        = -200,      // The device has not been logged-in when being called by the Control Hub.
  errSn           = -109,      // Invalid serial number
  errParam        = -10,       // parameters error
  errDevice       = -4,        // unsupported device 
  errPasswd       = -1,        // invitation code error
  retSuccess      = 0,
  retRepeat       = 1,         // repeat registration
  retRegistering  = 2,         // registering
  retInit         = 27,        // parameters of Control Hub is in initialization state. 
  retOnline       = 35,        // Control Hub platform is online      
  retOffline      = 36,        // Control Hub platform is offline 
  retDeleted      = 104,        
  retWaiting      = 103,
  retRefused      = 102,
  retAccepted     = 101,

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