
Use this interface to start a stream test. Only one stream can be tested each time.

Call the stop-test-server to cancel the stream test manually if needed. The test will stop automatically at 20s.

HTTP Request

GET http://ip/usapi?method=start-test-server&type=xxx&url=xxx&key=xxx&...
Parameter Description
method start-test-server
type Indicates the session type.
1: Twitch
2: YouTube
3: Facebook
120: SRT Caller
name Indicates server name, ranging from 1 to 32 characters, consisting of A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, spaces, and special characters ._-+'[](). The name should not start or end with spaces.
RTMP streaming settings
stream-index Indicates the stream type.
0: main stream
1: sub stream
url Indicates destination address.
key Indicates the stream key.
is-auth Indicates whether an authentication is required.
0: authentication is not required
1: authentication is required, and both username and password are mandatory.
user Indicates username.
passwd Indicates password.
token Indicates token.
event-data Indicates a stream session.
net-mode Indicates the network priority.
0: Mobile broadband first
1: Ethernet first
2: Wi-Fi first
audio Audio streams.
0: Stream 1
1: Stream 2
2: Stream 3
3: Stream 4
SRT Caller streaming settings
stream-index Indicates the stream type.
0: main stream
1: sub stream
url Indicates destination address.
port Indicates stream port.
latency Indicates delay time. You can obtain its range by using get-info.
bandwidth Indicates the portion of the total bandwidth of a stream required for the exchange of SRT control and recovered packets. You can obtain its range by using get-info.
aes Indicates the stream encryption algorithm to ensure the data security.
0: no encryption
16: AES-128
24: AES-192
32: AES-256
ase-word Indicates passphrase.
stream-id Optional
net-mode Indicates the prime network for streaming.
0: Mobile Broadband first
1: Ethernet first
2: Wi-Fi first
audio-streams Audio stream mask. If the selected audio stream is n (n ranges from 0 to 3), then audio-streams |= (1 << n)
token Token, valid only for Wowza over SRT
event-data Live events, only valid for Wowza over SRT

Response Body

  "result": 0
Item Description
result Returned status.
0: stream test is started.
1: repeated request.
-9: system is busy.
Refer to API Status Codes to find specific description for other values.

Test Status

Obtain living-test by calling get-status.

"living-test": {
  "result": 27,
  "upload-bps": 0,
  "percent": 0,
  "net": 0,
  "client-id": ""
Item Description
result Returned status.
27: the device is in initial status.
5 indicates that request is canceled.
2: stream test is in progress.
0: the request was accepted successfully.
Refer to API Status Codes to find specific description for other values.
percent Indicates the percentage of stream test.
upload-bps Indicates the upload speed.
net Indicates the network type.
client-id Reserved

Call the clear-test-server to set the device to the initial status (retInit=27) after the test.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""

    results matching ""

      No results matching ""