
Supported by Ultra Encode AIO only

Use this interface to specify parameters to combine input SDI and HDMI video.

You can obtain the ranges of mixer parameters using get-info.

"input-source": {
  "video-mixer": {
    "types": [],          // range of locations
    "pip": [],            // range of picture in picture locations
    "sbs": [],            // range of side by side locations

HTTP Request

GET http://ip/usapi?method=set-video-mixer-config&input-device=1...
Parameter Description
method set-video-mixer-config
input-device Input mixer format.
1: same as SDI input
2: same as HDMI input
is-hdmi-top The z-order for video mixer.
0: HDMI input as the bottom layer and SDI as top.
1: HDMI input as the top layer and SDI as bottom.
type Video mixer mode.
0: picture in picture
1: side by side
location Location of video mixer which can be obtained by calling get-info.

Response Body

  "result": 0
Item Description
result Returned status.
0 indicates that the request was accepted successfully. Refer to API Status Codes to find specific description for other values.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""

    results matching ""

      No results matching ""