
When the configuration of Audio Mixer on the device changes or it receives the Request for state synchronization, Director Mini device sends the data of Audio Mixer to the receiver.

For how to configure the receiver, please refer to How to use TouchOSC to control Director Mini.


/status/audioMixer [json string]


Type Description
argument 1 String The data of Audio Mixer


After receiving Request for state synchronization, Director Mini device sends the data of Audio Mixer to the receiver.

/status/audioMixer {"audioList":[{"audioSourceId":3,"meter":[-20.337009293112548,-21.646143025102283],"audioInfo":{"beInMultiScenes":0,"boost":false,"direction":0,"label":"","muted":0,"name":"PROGRAM","preview":false,"scope":0,"solo":0,"sourceType":0,"supportAFV":false,"type":3,"volume":-8,"volumeRecovery":0}},{"audioSourceId":1,"meter":[-100,-100],"audioInfo":{"beInMultiScenes":0,"boost":false,"direction":0,"label":"","muted":0,"name":"MONITOR","preview":false,"scope":0,"solo":0,"sourceType":0,"supportAFV":false,"type":1,"volume":-33,"volumeRecovery":0}}]}
Name Type Description
meter Array The audio level of left and right channels, in dB
audioInfo Object The audio configuration


Name Type Description
type Int Audio type
name String Audio name
muted Int Audio state
0: Always on (unmute)
1: Always off (mute)
2: Audio follow video (AFV)
volume Int The dB value, ranging from -40 to 10
supportAFV Boolean Whether it supports AFV. true: Yes, false: No

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