
When the switch settings or scene state on the device changes or it receives the Request for state synchronization, Director Mini device sends the data of switch settings and scene status to the receiver.


/status/switchSettings [json string]


Type Description
argument 1 String The data of switch settings and scene state


After receiving Request for state synchronization, Director Mini device sends the data of switch settings and scene status to the receiver.

For how to configure the receiver, please refer to How to use TouchOSC to control Director Mini.

/status/switchSettings {"isFTB":true,"isFreezed":false,"switchSettings":{"switchMode":0,"transitionType":1,"transitionDuration":500,"ftbTransitionDuration":1716}}
Name Type Description
isFTB Boolean Whether FTB is enabled. true: Yes, false: No
isFreezed Boolean Whether the program scene is frozen. true: Yes, false: No
switchSettings Object Switch settings


Name Type Description
switchMode Int Switch mode.0: Quick switch, 1: Manual switch
transitionType Int Transition effect. 0: Cut, 1: Fade
transitionDuration Int Transition duration, in ms, ranging from 50 to 1000
ftbTransitionDuration Int FTB transition duration, in ms, ranging from 200 to 2000

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