
When the GFX list on the device changes or it receives the Request for state synchronization, Director Mini device sends the data of GFX list to the receiver.

For how to configure the receiver, please refer to How to use TouchOSC to control Director Mini.


/status/gfx [json string]


Type Description
argument 1 String The data of GFX list.


After receiving Request for state synchronization, Director Mini device sends the data of GFX list to the receiver.

/status/gfx {"gfxList":[{"name":"Lower Third","uuid":"1704251299429","onScreen":true},{"name":"Animated Text","uuid":"1704251305309","onScreen":false},{"name":"Digital Clock","uuid":"1704251313123","onScreen":true}]}
Name Type Description
uuid String The unique ID of GFX
name String The GFX name
onScreen Boolean Whether the GFX is overlaid on the program view. true: Yes, false: No

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