
Request for the device status information which will be sent to the assigned OSC receiver.


/status/get [business type] [receiver ip] [receiver port]


Type Description
argument 1 String Business type
argument 2 String Receiver IP
argument 3 Int Receiver port
Business Type
Business type Description Status Inferface of Director Device
all All information All the interfaces below
show Show information show
scene Scene information scene
gfx GFX information gfx
bgm BGM information bgm
audioMixer Audio mixer information audioMixer
video Video information video
streaming Live stream information streaming
recording Record information recording
switchSettings Switch settings and scene changes information switchSettings
ptz PTZ information ptz
shortcuts The shortcut list shortcuts


Initiate a request to retrieve the recording status from the Director device, with the target receiver at IP address and port number 7001.

/status/get recording 7001

results matching ""

    No results matching ""