
When the PTZ status on the device changes or it receives the Request for state synchronization, Director Mini device sends the data of PTZ status to the receiver.

For how to configure the receiver, please refer to How to use TouchOSC to control Director Mini.


/status/ptz [json string]


Type Description
argument 1 String The data of PTZ status


After receiving Request for state synchronization, Director Mini device sends the data of PTZ status to the receiver.

/status/ptz {"host":"","controlType":0,"AIHumanEnabled":false,"isSupportTrackSpeed":false,"isSupportTrackMode":false,"isSupportWorkMode":false,"recordStatus":"off","lastRecordReason":"normal","recordTimeMillis":0,"recordTime":"00:00","AIHumanTracking":false,"trackMode":"closeUp","trackSpeed":"none","trackType":0,"hibernateStatus":1,"sdStatus":"unplugged"}
Name Type Description
host String The reserved parameter
controlType Int The device type or communication protocol type.
0: No device
102: Mobile device with Director Utility app
103: UVC
AIHumanEnabled Boolean Whether the device supports AI Human Tracking. true: Yes, false: No
AIHumanTracking Boolean Whether AI Human Tracking is enabled. true: Yes, false: No
isSupportTrackSpeed Boolean Whether it supports setting tracking speed. true: Yes, false: No
isSupportTrackMode Boolean Whether it supports settings tracking mode. true: Yes, false: No
isSupportWorkMode Boolean Whether it supports setting tracking type. true: Yes, false: No
trackMode String Tracking mode
trackSpeed String Tracking speed
trackType String Tracking type
hibernateStatus Int Device status
1: Working
3: Sleep
recordStatus String Recording status
on: Recording
off: Not recording
lastRecordReason int The last record error code, reserved parameter
recordTimeMillis int The duration of record tack, in ms
recordTime String The duration of record tack, e.g. 00:00
sdStatus String The status of SD card.
unplugged: No SD card is inserted.
ready: The SD card is ready. full: The SD card is full.

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