API Status Code
retSendWaiting = 31, // File upload state,: waiting
retLivingAuthErr = 30, // Live stream status: the authentication is error
retLivingNotset = 29, // Live stream address is not set
retLivingDNS = 28, // Live stream status: Resolving DNS
retInit = 27, // Initial status
retLivingAuthing = 25, // Live stream status: the authorization is in progress
retLivingWaiting = 24, // Live stream status: the device is waiting for connection to the stream server
retLivingConnecting = 23, // Live stream status: the device is connecting to the stream server
retLivingConnected = 22, // Live stream status: the stream server has connected
retPushReboot = 21,
retAudioSignalChange = 20,
retBlueWrite = 19,
retBlueRead = 18,
retBlueShutDown = 17,
retDiskOn = 16,
retDiskOff = 15,
retDiskChange = 14,
retSnapshotOver = 13,
retPushReset = 12,
retPushLiving = 11,
retPushRecord = 10,
retSignalChange = 9,
retRouteChange = 8,
retIPChange = 7,
retNetChange = 6,
retCancel = 5, // Request is canceled
retLowSpace = 4, // There is not enough free space on the storage device.
retLowSpeed = 3, // The storage device is too slow to record smooth video.
retRunning = 2, // The request is running
retRepeat = 1, // Repeat request
retSucceed = 0, // Request has succeeded
errPasswd = -1, // Password is error
errOccupied = -2, // The device is being used by others currently
errDisconnect = -3, // Reserved
errDevice = -4,
errDisk = -5,
errUnconnect = -6,
errKey = -7,
errVersion = -8,
errBusy = -9, // System is busy
errParam = -10, // Error request parameters
errUsage = -11, // Reserved
errTimeout = -12,
errIP = -13, // Reserved
errNotFound = -14, // Data does not exist
errFile = -15, // Error file
errNoSpace = -16, // There is not any free space on the storage device.
errNeedAuth = -17, // An authentication is required.
errSystem = -18, // System error
errDiskSpeed = -19,
errEmpty = -20,
errNetwork = -21,
errEvent = -22,
errCodec = -23,
errBlue = -24,
errNoUser = -25, // This user does not exist
errNoPermissin = -26,
errSameName = -27, // The name already exists
errString = -28, // Input characters are not valid
errChannelsLimited = -29, // Stream simultaneously to 2 servers at most.
err8MLimited = -30, // When the bitrate is above 4 Mbps, the streamer can stream to 1 server only.
errFacebookLimited = -31, // As is required by Facebook's Terms of Service, the device can not stream simultaneously to Facebook and other online streaming services.
errCodecLimited = -32, // Live stream is not allowed when HEVC streamer is used.
err4GLimited = -33, // The maximum size of a single saved recording file should be no more than 4G.
errMWFUnsupported = -34 // The update package does not match current model or hardware version of the product
errNoSignal = -35, // No signal
errSDCard = -36,
errXinYueServer = -37, // File upload status: server error
errAliYunOSS = -38, // File upload status: Alibaba Cloud OSS error
errSDNoSpace = -39, // There is no free space in SD card.
errSDNoPermission = -40, // No permission when writing to SD card.
errRTSPLimited = -41, // Only one RTSP broadcast is supported at a time, you can not stream other data simultaneously.
errRTSP8MLimited = -42, // When broadcasting RTSP stream, the bitrate should be no more than 4 Mbps.
errLockLiving = -43, // Live streaming is locked. Manually stop is not allowed.
errRecParam = -52, // Recording related parameters error
errLiveParam = -53, // Live streaming related parameters error
errFTPServer = -100, // FTP/SFTP server error