Device Status Mask
statusFirst = 0x01, // first boot
statusRecord = 0x02, // recording
statusLiving = 0x04, // live streaming
statusStream = 0x08, // Reserved
statusDiskReady = 0x10, // USB flash drive is ready to work
statusRTMPReady = 0x20, // RTMP is ready to live stream
statusSoftAP = 0x40, // The device is in Wi-Fi AP mode
statusMIC = 0x100, // Reserved
statusPHONE = 0x200, // Reserved
statusOutput = 0x400, // Reserved
statusDiskTest = 0x1000, // USB performance test is in progress
statusBlue = 0x2000, // Reserved
statusUpgrade = 0x4000, // Firmware update is in progress
statusNetTest = 0x8000, // Streaming test is in progress
statusPasswd = 0x10000, // Device password has been set
statusOccupied = 0x20000, // Device has been locked by app(s), at most 2 simultaneously
statusFormatDisk = 0x100000, // USB format is in progress
statusFormatSD = 0x200000, // SD format is in progress
statusSearchWifi = 0x400000, // The device is searching for available Wi-Fi networks
statusConnectWifi = 0x800000, // The device is connecting to a Wi-Fi network
statusConnectBlue = 0x1000000, // Reserved
statusCheckUpgrade = 0x2000000, // The device is detecting if there is a new firmware version
statusReset = 0x4000000, // resetting
stausIPv6 = 0x8000000, // Reserved
statusTestLock = 0x10000000, // Reserved
statusReboot = 0x20000000, // Rebooting
statusSendTest = 0x40000000, // Upload test is on going