
Use the interface to start the upload sever test. You can use send-file-stop-test-server to stop it. FTP/SFTP servers are supported.

HTTP Request

GET http://ip/usapi?method=send-file-start-test-server&type=xxx&net-mode=1&...
Parameter Description
method send-file-start-test-server
type Server type.
1: Google Drive
2: Dropbox
3: YouTube
net-mode Network priority.
0: mobile broadband first
1: wired Ethernet first
2: Wi-Fi first
proto Protocol type.
0: FTP
url Server address.
port Server port.
dir-name Target directory name.
encryption FTP encryption type.
0: plaintext FTP only
1: explicit FTP over TLS
2: implicit FTP over TLS
login-type Login type.
0: Anonymous
1: Normal
user-name User name.
passwd User password.
mode Transfer mode.
0: active
1: passive

Response Body

  "result": 0
Item Description
result Returned status.
0 indicates that the request was accepted successfully. Refer to API Status Codes to find specific description for other values.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""

    results matching ""

      No results matching ""