
Use the interface to add streaming servers, 16 servers are supported at most.

Different servers with same configurations are not allowed, such as:

  • Custom RTMP servers with the same URL and StreamKey
  • Other RTMP servers(Twitch/YouTube/Facebook) with the same StreamKey
  • RTSP streams with the same port number

HTTP Request

GET http://ip/usapi?method=add-server&type=xxx&url=xxx&key=xxx&...
Parameter Description
method add-server
type Indicates server type.
1: Twitch
2: YouTube
3: Facebook
100: RTSP
name Indicates server name, the characters contain
1. 1 to 32 characters
2. A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, spaces ._-+'[](), and cannot start or end with space.
RTMP streaming settings
url Indicates streaming server address.
key Indicates stream key.
is-auth Indicates authentication status.
0: authentication is not needed
1: authentication is needed. Username and password are required.
user Indicates user name.
passwd Indicates password.
token Indicates Token.
event-data Indicates streaming event.
net-mode Indicates the network priority.
0: Mobile broadband first
1: wired Ethernet first
2: Wi-Fi first
RTSP streaming settings
port Indicates port number, the default value is 554.
is-main Indicates whether to enable the main code stream.
0 indicates to disable the main stream.
1 indicates to enable the main stream.
main-stream-name Indicates the main code stream name, ranging from 1 to 32 characters, including A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, spaces, and special characters ._-+'[](). The name should not start or end withe spaces.
is-sub Indicates whether to enable the sub code stream.
0 indicates to disable the sub stream.
1 indicates to enable the sub stream.
sub-stream-name Indicates the sub code stream name, ranging from 1 to 32 characters, including A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9, spaces, and special characters ._-+'[](). The name should not start or end withe spaces.
is-audio Indicates whether to enable audio.
0 indicates to disable audio.
1 indicates to enable audio.

Response Body

  "result": 0
Item Description
result 0 indicates that the request was accepted successfully. Refer to API Status Codes to find specific description for other values.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""

    results matching ""

      No results matching ""