
Use the interface to obtain status and parameters of the device, including basic information, Ethernet status, and USB Net status.

Request Mode

 POST http://ip/mwapi/get-summary-info

Response Body

JSON structure is as follows:

  "status": 0,
  "device": {...},
  "wifi": {...},
  "ethernet": {...},
  "rndis": {...},
  "out": {...}
1. Response Status
"status": 0
Name Description
status 0 indicates a successful data acquisition. Refer to API Status Codes to find specific description for other values.
2. Basic Information (device {...})
"device": {
  "name": "USB Presenter",
  "model": "HDMI 2K Plus",
  "serial-no": "B401180706020",
  "hw-revision": "B",
  "fw-version": "1.1.72",
  "up-to-date": true,
  "input-hdmi-1-state": "1920x1080p60",
  "input-hdmi-2-state": "no-signal",
  "input-web-camera-state": "1280x720p30",
  "hdmi-output-mode": 0,
  "hdmi-output-state": "unconnected",
  "cpu-usage": 5.00,
  "memory-usage": 58.33,
  "core-temp": 46.76,
  "up-time": 8006,
  "storage-size": 0,
  "fan-rpm": 0
Name Description
name The name of the product family
model The model name of the device, such as HDMI 2K Plus...
serial-no The serial number of the device
hw-version The hardware version of the device
Value range: A - Z
fw-version The current firmware version of the device
up-to-date Whether the firmware is up to date
If yes, it shows true; otherwise, it shows false.
input-hdmi-1-state The status of the current input signal of the HDMI 1 port, including no-signal, locking, unsupported, or actual value (e.g. 1920x1080p60)
input-hdmi-2-state The status of the current input signal of the HDMI 2 port, including no-signal, locking, unsupported, or actual value (e.g. 1920x1080p60)
input-web-camera-state The status of the current input signal of the WEB CAMERA port, including no-signal, locking, unsupported, or actual value (e.g. 1920x1080p60)
hdmi-out-mode The mode of the current output signal, including 0, 1 and 2, respectively representing loopthru HDMI 1, loopthru HDMI 2 and pgm
hdmi-out-state The status of the current output signal, including unconnected, unsupported and active
cpu-usage The current CPU usage
memory-usage The current memory usage
core-temp The current temperature (℃) of the device's processor
up-time The elapsed time since the device's last boot-up, in seconds
storage-size The storage capacity in MB
fan-rpm The fan speed per minute
3. WiFi Status (wifi {...})
"wifi": {
  "state": "magewell-001",
  "mac-addr": "70:B3:D5:75:D2:41",
  "ip-addr": "",
  "ip-mask": "",
  "gw-addr": "",
  "dns-addr": "",
  "tx-speed-kbps": 0,
  "rx-speed-kbps": 0
Name Description
state The connection status of WiFi, including down and disconnected
mac-addr The MAC address
ip-addr The WiFi IP address
ip-mask The subnet mask address
gw-addr The gateway address
dns-addr The DNS server address
tx-speed-kbps The WiFi send speed in Kbps
rx-speed-kbps The WiFi receive speed in Kbps
4. Ethernet Status (ethernet {...})
"ethernet": {
  "state": "disconnected",
  "mac-addr": "70:B3:D5:75:D2:41",
  "ip-addr": "",
  "ip-mask": "",
  "gw-addr": "",
  "dns-addr": "",
  "tx-speed-kbps": 0,
  "rx-speed-kbps": 0
Name Description
state The Ethernet connection status, including down, disconnected, 10m, 100m, 1000m, 2500m, 5000m, and 10000m
mac-addr The MAC address
ip-addr The Ethernet IP address
ip-mask The subnet mask address
gw-addr The gateway address
dns-addr The DNS server address
tx-speed-kbps The Ethernet send speed, in Kbps
rx-speed-kbps The Ethernet receive speed, in Kbps
5. USB Net Status (rndis {...})
"rndis": {
  "state": "high-speed",
  "ip-addr": "",
  "tx-speed-kbps": 0,
  "rx-speed-kbps": 0
Name Description
state The USB connection status, including disconnected, full-speed, high-speed, super-speed-5g, and super-speed-10g
ip-addr The USB RNDIS address
tx-speed-kbps The current send speed, in Kbps
rx-speed-kbps The current receive speed, in Kbps
6. USB OUT Status (out {...})
"out": {
  "video-format": "NV12",
  "connection": "USB 3.0",
  "audio-drop-frames": 0,
  "video-drop-frames": 0,
  "video-width": 1920,
  "video-height": 1080,
  "video-scan": "progressive",
  "video-field-rate": 0.00,
  "audio-num-channels": 2,
  "audio-sample-rate": 48000,
  "audio-bit-count": 16
Name Description
video-format The output format of UVC video, including NV12, YUYV, MJPEG, etc.
connection The connection status of USB, including USB 3.0, USB 2.0, and disable
audio-drop-frames The number of audio frames dropped in the previous second
audio-num-channels The total number of audio channels
audio-sample-rate The audio sampling rate, including 32000, 44100, etc.
audio-bit-count The audio bit rate, including 16, 20, 24, etc.
video-drop-frames The number of video frames dropped in the previous second
video-bit-rate The video encoding rate in the previous second, in Kbps
video-width The width of the video and the total number of pixels
video-height The height of the video and the total number of pixels
video-scan The scan mode, including progressive, interlaced and psf
video-field-rate The frame rate, including 24, 25, 29.97, 30, 48, 50, 59.94, and 60

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