
Use the interface to get the thumbnails of note scenes.

Request Mode

 POST http://ip/mwapi/get-note-thumbnail
Parameter Description
method delete-scene
sceneId The note ID
isThumbnail Whether it is a thumbnail
0: thumbnail
1: original
modificationTime The timestamp when the note is edited

Response Body

JSON structure is as follows:

Name Description
status 0 indicates that the request was accepted successfully. Refer to API Status Codes to find specific description for other values.
sceneIds The note ID
isThumbnail Whether it is a thumbnail
0: thumbnail
1: original
modificationTime The timestamp when the note is edited
encoding The data encoding mode (Base64)
data The encrypted data
Note: When the modificationTime in the request is the latest, the data is null, to reduce network transmission.

HTTP Access Mode

Note thumbnail: http://[IP]/note/[presentation ID]/[note ID]/0
Note preview: http://[IP]/note/[presentation ID]/[note ID]/1

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