
Use the interface to get the status information of the device.

Request Mode

 POST http://ip/mwapi/get-device-status

Response Body

JSON structure is as follows:

  "result": 0,
  "message": "success",
  "info": {...}
1. Response Status
"result": 0
Name Description
result 0 indicates a successful data acquisition. Refer to API Status Codes to find specific description for other values.
2. Basic Status Information (info {...})
    "info": {
        "annotationStatus": {
            "arrowWidth": 1,
            "boardMode": 2,
            "eraserWidth": 34,
            "fillColor": 0,
            "highlighterWidth": 20,
            "inkDuration": 5000,
            "inkStyle": 0,
            "laserpointerPosX": 500000,
            "laserpointerPosY": 500000,
            "lineWidth": 12,
            "lowerFactor": 0,
            "shapeType": 3,
            "strokeColor": 1580043263,
            "upperFactor": 500000,
            "useStroke": false
        "autoBackup": 0,
        "deviceName": "USB Fusion",
        "deviceWorkingStatus": 0,
        "encodeMode": 0,
        "firmwareVersion": "2.2.83",
        "ftbEnable": 0,
        "hardwareVersion": "A",
        "musicStatus": {
            "currentMusicId": 2028,
            "duration": 234000,
            "policy": 1,
            "progress": 0,
            "status": 0
        "osdId": 105,
        "pdfConfig": {
            "layerId": 0,
            "pdfPosition": 0,
            "pdfScale": 10000,
            "pdfScaleMode": 0,
            "sceneId": 0,
            "sourceTotalPageNumber": 0
        "recordStatus": {
            "endCountDown": -1,
            "endstartTimestamp": 0,
            "lastRecordError": 0,
            "recordState": 0,
            "recording": 0,
            "scheduleRecordEndTime": "",
            "scheduleRecordStartTime": "",
            "startCountDown": -1,
            "startTimestamp": 0,
            "timeRecording": 60,
            "timeRemaining": 24858
        "sceneStatus": {
            "cropping": 0,
            "croppingLayerId": 0,
            "currentID": 101,
            "currentShowId": 1,
            "defaultNoteBgId": 1001,
            "editSceneId": 0,
            "editing": 0,
            "isFrozen": 1,
            "lastNoteId": 107,
            "lastSceneId": 101,
            "location": 0,
            "modeOfButton": 2,
            "noteEditing": 0,
            "sceneOfButton1": 100,
            "sceneOfButton2": 101,
            "sceneOfButton3": 102,
            "sceneOfButton4": 105,
            "sceneOfButton5": 103,
            "sourceCollection": 0,
            "videoRangeSetting": 0,
            "videoRangeSettingLayerId": 0
        "serialNumber": "A506211025003",
        "srtStatus": [
                "port": 9110,
                "srtId": 0,
                "stoped": 0
                "port": 9111,
                "srtId": 1,
                "stoped": 0
                "port": 9112,
                "srtId": 2,
                "stoped": 0
                "port": 9113,
                "srtId": 3,
                "stoped": 0
        "videoPlayerStatus": [],
        "webBrowser": {
            "canGoBack": 0,
            "canGoForward": 0,
            "currentScale": 10000
    "message": "success",
    "result": 0
Name Description
annotationStatus The configuration of annotation
ftbEnable Whether to enable FTB
0: Not enabled
1: Enabled
musicStatus The status information of the BGM player
recordStatus The status information of the recording
sceneStatus The status information of the current scene
srtStatus The SRT server status information of the captured scene
videoPlayerStatus The video player status information of the current scene
hardwareVersion The current hardware version
firmwareVersion The current firmware version
osdId The current enabled GFX ID
pdfConfig The configuration of the PDF layer in the current scene
webBrowser The configuration of the web page layer in the current scene
Status Information of BGM Player (musicStatus)
Name Description
currentMusicId The ID of current music
duration The duration of audio file in ms
policy The play policy
1: play in order
2: shuffle the playlist
3: repeat a single song
4: repeat the playlist
progress The play progress (0 - 1000000)
status The play status
0: pause
1: playing
Status Information of Recording (recordStatus)
Name Description
lastRecordError The information of the last record error
recording Recording task status
0: not enabled
1: recording
timeRecording The duration of the recording, in seconds
timeRemaining The remaining recording duration, in seconds
startTimestamp The start timestamp of schedule recording, in ms
endstartTimestamp The end timestamp of schedule recording, in ms
scheduleRecordStartTime The start time of schedule recording, in time zone of the device
scheduleRecordEndTime The end time of schedule recording, in time zone of the device
startCountDown Countdown to start, in seconds
endCountDown Countdown to end, in seconds
Status Information of Current Scene (sceneStatus)
Name Description
currentShowId The ID of the current presentation
currentID The ID of the current preview scene
lastNoteId The ID of the last preview note
lastSceneId The ID of the last preview scene
editing Whether the scene is editing
0: false
1: true
editSceneId The ID of the editing scene
defaultNoteBgId The ID of the default note background source
cropping Whether the layer is cropping
0: false
1: true
croppingLayerId The ID of the cropping layer
isFrozen Whether the preview scene is frozen
0: false
1: true
location The scene location
1: top_left, 2: top_right, 3: bottom_left, 4: bottom_right
1: left_most, 2: left_center, 3: center, 4: center_right, 5: right_most
sourceCollection The source collection
1: HDMI 1 + HDMI 2
2: HDMI 2 + HDMI 1
modeOfButton The button mode.
0: Default. Buttons are bound to pre-built scenes.
1: Custom. Buttons are bound to scenes specified by the user.
2: Auto. Buttons are bound to the first five created scenes.
sceneOfButton1 The scene ID bound to the Button 1
sceneOfButton2 The scene ID bound to the Button 2
sceneOfButton3 The scene ID bound to the Button 3
sceneOfButton4 The scene ID bound to the Button 4
sceneOfButton5 The scene ID bound to the Button 5
Video Player Status Information of Current Scene (videoPlayerStatus)
Name Description
layerId The layer ID
playStatus The player status
0: pause
1: playing
progress The player progress (0 - 1000000)
sourceDuration The length of the video source in ms
sourceId The video source ID
SRT Streaming Configuration
Name Description
srtId The srtId
0: preview scene
0: HDMI 1
2: HDMI 2
3: USB Camera
port The port number
stopped The start or stop status
1: stopped
0: started
The configuration of the PDF layer in the current scene
Name Description
sceneId The scene ID
layerId The PDF layer ID
sourceTotalPageNumber The total number of PDF pages
pdfPosition The current preview position, (page - 1) * 100
pdfScale The scaling properties, 1~5 * 10000
pdfScaleMode The scaling mode
0: free
1: Maintain the original ratio of the page
2: Fit the page size
3: Fit the width
The configuration of the web page layer in the current scene
Name Description
canGoBack Can it go backward. 0: No 1: Yes
canGoForward Can it go forward. 0: No 1: Yes
currentScale The scaling properties, 1~5 * 10000

results matching ""

    No results matching ""