
Use the interface to modify the EDID configuration information of the HDMI input port.

Request Mode

POST http://ip/mwapi/set-edid-config&source-id=0&param1=value1&param2=value2...
  "source-id": 0,
  "smart-edid": true,
Parameter Description
source-id The input source ID
0: HDMI 1
1: HDMI 2
smart-edid Whether to use the SmartEDID
True: Yes
False: No
data The EDID information, in Base64 format, which needs to be converted to hexadecimal value when displayed

Response Body

  "status": 0
Name Description
status 0 indicates that the request was accepted successfully. Refer to API Status Codes to find specific description for other values.
source-id The input source ID
0: HDMI 1
1: HDMI 2

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    No results matching ""