Use the interface to obtain the general settings of the device.
Request Mode
POST http://ip/mwapi/get-server-settings
Response Body
"status": 0,
"launchScene": 20,
"autoSwitch": 1,
"autoSwitchType": 3,
"autoSwitchSequence": [
"usbMirror": 0,
"mirroringVerificationMode": 0,
"mirroringPasscode": "",
"screencastBGColor": 255,
"screencastNameEnable": 0,
"screencastFormatEnable": 0,
"screencastOverlayFadeOut": 0,
"airPlayEnable": 1,
"miracastEnable": 1,
"googleCastEnable": 1,
"cropBlackArea": 1,
"gotoSleep": 0,
"rebootWhenWakeUp": 0,
"autoBackup": 1,
"backupSchedule": 2,
"backupStartTime": 1668565521000,
"backupEndTime": 1668565882000,
"backupServers": [
"id": 0,
"type": 1,
"inUse": 1,
"accountId": "117565090367952230247",
"userName": "zhixiang zhou",
"photoPath": "",
"accessToken": "ya29.a0AeTM1idi0KcffF8y9gvuHSVbPT1OWC3AnRveO6I04CCeDCvefSpPQgrjbDVGDm7BeGkxbWp0UYH_jQQjK6bmX8v0Yg6Z3rrTgCvJ19nKoaW8JmoCvVmgORJnQDi-O2YubkCjn43agBL_Gavde0w2wmjbOoWUaCgYKAckSARISFQHWtWOmFT-XINioxR_XyRa1AMBm6A0163",
"refreshToken": "1//068k97tdb0IbFCgYIARAAGAYSNwF-L9Irtv5RkQ3JzhpD9dcJiCAzUhA7oUHZJ-ViEcDK5lFVlu3z1yFr9gsC8VqMXEKsLoE4zyc",
"dirName": "",
"invalid": 0,
"remoteDiskFull": 0
Name | Description |
status | 0 indicates that the request was accepted successfully. Refer to API Status Codes to find specific description for other values. |
launchScene | The ID of the landing scene |
autoSwitch | Once an HDMI or Webcam source is connected with the device, whether it automatically switches to the source |
autoSwitchType | Response policy 0: no switch 2: auto switch per priority 3: auto switch to newly-connected signal |
autoSwitchSequence | Sequence of priorities, only taking effect when response policy is set as 2. 1: HDMI 1, 2: HDMI 2, 3: WEBCAM, 31: Screencast |
usbMirror | Mirror the output of USB-C to display a natural scene |
mirroringVerificationMode | Verification mode of screencast. 0: No verification, 1: Password, 2: Onscreen Code |
mirroringPasscode | Password of screencast |
screencastBGColor | Background color of screencast, rgba, uint32 |
screencastNameEnable | Overlay screencast device name on screen. 1: Overlay, 0: Not overlay |
screencastFormatEnable | Overlay screencast image size and frame rate on screen. 1: Overlay, 0: Not overlay |
screencastOverlayFadeOut | FTB mode. 0: No FTB, 1: FTB in 5 seconds, 2: FTB in 10 seconds, 3: FTB in 20 seconds, 4: FTB in 30 seconds, 5: FTB in 1 minute |
airPlayEnable | Allow Apple or other devices supporting AirPlay to cast. 1: Allow, 0: Not allow |
miracastEnable | Allow Windows or Android devices supporting Miracast to cast. 1: Allow, 0: Not allow |
googleCastEnable | Allow software or devices supporting Google Cast to cast, such as Chrome Book or Chrome browser. 1: Allow, 0: Not allow |
cropBlackArea | Whether to crop out the black bars, only for Miracast. 1: Yes, 0: No |
gotoSleep | The sleep mode of the device. 0: Never 1: Go to sleep after 30 minutes 2: Go to sleep after 1 hour 3: Go to sleep after 2 hours 4: Go to sleep after 4 hours |
rebootWhenWakeUp | Reboot the device immediately on wake-up. true: Reboot, false: Not reboot |
autoBackup | Whether to enable auto backup. 0: No 1: Yes |
backupSchedule | The backup schedule. 0: All day long 1: During the specified time period everyday |
backupStartTime | The start time of the specified time period everyday, in ms |
backupEndTime | The end time of the specified time period everyday, in ms |
backupServers | The authentication account information of Google Drive |
Name | Description |
id | The unique ID |
type | The account type. Currently, it only supports the Google Drive platform. |
inUse | Whether it is enabled. Currently, it only supports one authenticated account, which is enabled by default. |
accountId | The account ID |
userName | The user name |
photoPath | The user account photo |
accessToken | The access token |
refreshToken | The refresh token |
dirName | The upload directory, not supported now |
invalid | Invalid authentication. 0: Normal 1: Invalid authentication |
remoteDiskFull | The cloud storage is full. 0: Not full 1: Full |