
Use the interface t import sources.

Request Mode

 POST http://ip/mwapi/import-source
Parameter Description
sourceType The source type
1: picture
2: video
6: music
13: PDF
14: web page
fileName The filename, not required when sourceType is 14
md5 The MD5 value of the file, not required when the sourceType is 14
url The URL of web page, required only when the sourceType is 14

ps: The file has been uploaded to the server through “/mwapi/upload-source-file”.

Response Body

JSON structure is as follows:

1. Response Status
"status": 0
Name Description
status 0 indicates that the request was accepted successfully. Refer to API Status Codes to find specific description for other values.
info The source entity

2. Import PDF

Get the import process and result by monitoring DEVICE_STATUS_CHANGED_PDF_IMPORTING in the websocket.

                "name":"USB Fusion User Manual",
Name Description
status The import status
0: Successfully imported
1: System error
3: Decoding error
5: Importing
6: System busy
info Import progress or the imported source entity
Name Description
totalCount The total number of PDF pages
currentPage The number of currently imported pages, 1, 2, 3...
3. Import Web Page

Get the import result by monitoring DEVICE_STATUS_CHANGED_IMPORT_WEB_BROWSER in the websocket.

Name Description
result 0: failed, 1: successful
httpStatus 200: Access successfully
-105: Domain name resolution error
-1: Failed to connect the web page due to invalid time
300: URL error
302: URL error
404: Page not found
sourceInfo The source entity

results matching ""

    No results matching ""