
Use the interface to control the PDF or webpage in the scene.

Request Mode

 POST http://ip/mwapi/scene-layer-control-action
Parameter Description
sceneId The scene ID
layerId The layer ID
actionType The action type
scaleMode The scale mode, not required, valid only for scaling control. Scale mode includes: 0: Free 2: Height fitting canvas (PDF only) 3: Width fitting canvas (PDF only.)
scale The scale multiplier, not required, valid only for free scaling control. Scale multiplier *10000
x The horizontal coordinates, not required, valid only for gesture control. The coordinate origin is the lower-left corner of the canvas, 0~1000000
y The vertical coordinates, not required, valid only for gesture control. The coordinate origin is the lower-left corner of the canvas, 0~1000000

Response Body

JSON structure is as follows:

1. Response Status
"status": 0
Name Description
status 0 indicates a successful data acquisition. Refer to API Status Codes to find specific description for other values.

Action Type

layer_control_action_type_none = 0,
layer_control_action_type_touch_down, // Gesture control, finger pressing
layer_control_action_type_touch_move, // Gesture control, finger moving
layer_control_action_type_touch_up, // Gesture control, finger raising
layer_control_action_type_touch_cancel, // Gesture control, cancel, same effect with finger raising
layer_control_action_type_scale, //Scale control
layer_control_action_type_go_back, //Go back, valid only for webpages
layer_control_action_type_go_forward, //Go forward, valid only for webpage
layer_control_action_type_reload, //Refresh webpage, valid only for webpage
layer_control_action_type_reset //reserved, not yet implemented

results matching ""

    No results matching ""