
Use the interface to control the PDF or web page layer.

Request Mode

 POST http://ip/mwapi/scene-layer-control-action
Parameter Description
sceneId The scene ID
layerId The layer ID
actionType The action type.
1: The press gesture
2: The move gesture
3: The raise gesture
4: The cancel gesture
5: Zoom
6: Go backward
7: Go forward
8: Reload
9: Reset zooming
scale The scaling ratio, required for controlling scaling. Range: [1 - 5 * 10000]
x The position of the touch point on the X-axis, required for controlling gestures. Range: [0 - 1 * 1000000]
y The position of the touch point on the Y-axis, required for controlling gestures. Range: [0 - 1 * 1000000]

Response Body

JSON structure is as follows.

    "message": "SUCCESS",
    "status": 0
1. Response Status
"status": 0
Name Description
status 0 indicates a successful data acquisition. Refer to API Status Codes to find specific description for other values.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""